June 2011 archive

Houston’s Red Light Cameras to start clicking again?

Warning Sign for a Red Light Camera

As one of the frequent topics I discuss on this blog, I am not a fan of red light cameras. Continuing from the story I posted last month, American Traffic Solutions or ATS, filed a federal lawsuit over the charter amendment in the 2010 election that the voters told the city to shut the cameras off. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/houstons-red-light-cameras-to-start-clicking-again/

Proper Telephone Use

My day job consists of working in private industry supporting telephone equipment.  So, when videos like this come up, I tend to pay attention.  A friend of mine e-mailed this to me today, and I wanted to share it with you: Video courtesy the AT&T Tech Channel. 

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/proper-telephone-use/

TSA: It’s not just bad screeners…

Inline Baggage Screener

As many will note, I often have something to say about the state of our Transportation Security. I also know that the Department of Homeland Insecurity has visited this site a few times over the last few months, so I do have the powers that be in Washington’s attention. It also goes to say that …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/tsa-its-not-just-bad-screeners/

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