Category: Cameras

An discussion of the use of cameras to ticket red light runners, speeders, etc.

Houston’s Red Light Cameras run out of film, meanwhile…

I received word this afternoon that Houston’s City Council passed a settlement agreement with American Traffic Solutions to end the red light camera program. The city has been mired in a court battle for more than a year about a charter amendment passed in November 2010 mandating the city end the program. The battle was over …

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Red Light Cameras: Ok, we’re shutting them off again…

Update 2: (August 19th, 11pm): As expected, Council Member Lovell blocked the repeal bill from being voted on.  Since the procedural delay is a one-time option, both items will face a vote on Wednesday. Update (August 17th, 7pm): Council Member Sue Lovell used a procedural maneuver to delay the vote on shutting the cameras off.  It is expected she …

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Mayor Parker to voters: cameras back on, despite vote

Metro Bus runs a red light

Much as I predicted previously, the mayor has decided to ignore the voters and allow American Traffic Solutions (ATS) to turn the red light cameras back on. This comes despite the fact that the voters clearly said in November 2010 that they wanted the cameras turned off.  Of course, ATS took days to do so, …

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Houston’s Red Light Cameras to start clicking again?

Warning Sign for a Red Light Camera

As one of the frequent topics I discuss on this blog, I am not a fan of red light cameras. Continuing from the story I posted last month, American Traffic Solutions or ATS, filed a federal lawsuit over the charter amendment in the 2010 election that the voters told the city to shut the cameras off. The …

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Red Light Cameras: The emotional and money trap

Red Light Camera Violations 2009-2011

As long time readers of my blog know, I am not a fan of Red Light Cameras or Speed Cameras.  That’s why I applauded the citizens of Houston when they passed a referendum last November, that effectively banned their use. Much as I predicted, the city’s vendor, ATS,  filed a lawsuit challenging the referendum and the legalities of …

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2010 Election: Red Light Cameras to go Dark?

A personal hot-button issue that I have championed against may finally be getting the plug pulled. Red Light Cameras came to Houston under former Mayor Bill White.  They have been controversial since their installation, including comments on this blog back in 2007. Today, the voters in the city decided by 52.8% to shut the cameras down. …

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Today’s Election Day: Get out there and VOTE!

With the ratification of the US Constitution in 1787, the framers set a course of a then unheard of form of Government, a Republic. Under that Republic, it is up to the people to select Representitives (and later by the 17th Amendment, Senators) to represent our interests on a National level. Today represents the one …

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Countdown to the Election

Today marked the beginning of early voting here in Texas.  I took advantage this year, particularly in light of the warehouse fire that destroyed most of the voting equipment here in Harris County. My location of choice was the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center on West Gray: Being this was the first day, and it was after …

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Independence Day

Happy 232nd Birthday America!  As I write this, I am recently back from the “Freedom over Texas” display in Downtown Houston.  While I’ve never attended the actual events at Eleanor Tinsley Park, I can take in the fireworks from a nearby venue that’s within walking distance of my apartment. This was the first time in …

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Somebody Tell the Cops to Stop Watching 'Inspector Gadget'

Isiah Carey at FOX 26 tonight gives us the Insite on a report that the Houston Police Department is wanting to invest in handheld metal detectors and bulletproof partitions for patrol cars. In my line of work (Information Technology), I frequently get requests from someone who wants technology to do a 'big-brother' type control over an …

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