Category: It’s All About…

A series of postings that are spawned from the phrase "It's all about..."

Can AT&T really be this broken?

AT&T MicroCell

Can a company like AT&T really fail in this many ways for one customer on one product? When I first moved to Frisco in 2011, I decided to get Internet and Cable TV services, along with home phone service from (then) Time Warner Cable. It served me well until the Charter/Spectrum acquisition, when my rates jumped …

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Archstone Memorial Heights: March 24th Update

I happened to catch one of the maintenance staff members over the weekend, and was talking to him about the redevelopment. According to him, it looks like the wrecking ball will hit the three buildings I identified previously around the first of May. Don’t worry though, there’s plenty of other "prep" work going on in …

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Archstone Memorial Heights: And the Start is Eminent

Editor’s Note: This is the final of three parts outlining the beginning of the redevelopment of the Archstone Memorial Heights Apartment Complex, the first two parts can be found here and here. It all started simple enough, a rent increase.  After living in the complex 2 1/2 years (and reportedly longer for others) Archstone increased …

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Archstone Memorial Heights vs. The City of Houston

Editor's Note: This is the second of three parts outlining the beginning of the redevelopment of the Archstone Memorial Heights Apartment Complex, the first part is posted here, and the final part will be posted in the near future. At the May 30, 2007 city council meeting, a request to abandon three fire hydrant easements …

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Archstone Memorial Heights: The Trashy Problem?

Editor's Note:  This is the first of three parts outlining the beginning of the redevelopment of the Archstone Memorial Heights Apartment Complex, the remaining two parts will be posted in the coming days, time permitting. As reported recently on Off the Kuff and SwampLot Archstone Memorial Heights is on the verge of a complete redevelopment …

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Somebody Tell the Cops to Stop Watching 'Inspector Gadget'

Isiah Carey at FOX 26 tonight gives us the Insite on a report that the Houston Police Department is wanting to invest in handheld metal detectors and bulletproof partitions for patrol cars. In my line of work (Information Technology), I frequently get requests from someone who wants technology to do a 'big-brother' type control over an …

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Why They Want us to See Red (Light Cameras)

Alexis Grant over at the Chronicle's new City Hall Blog (A nice blog by the way) reported last week that The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) released a new report last week on the improvement of intersection safety with the installation of red light cameras. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety is an organization …

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The 2006 Energy Crisis – Short Term fixes

Editor’s note – this is the first of a multi-part series on the current energy crisis.  In coming weeks, I will take a look at the longer terms and what should be done. The American Economy is in crisis. Gasoline prices have increased by $0.42 nationally in the past month (March 23, 2006 – April 23, …

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It’s All About… Peace and Quiet

EDITOR’S NOTE: Beginning with this piece, I plan on writing several topics using the catch-line “It’s All About…” Hopefully, many of these will be timely (I’ve had three or four on my mind, but working on a presentation for my real job has precluded me from writing them), and I can post one a week, my …

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