Category: Legislature

Reporting news out of the activities in Austin

When is a funeral not a funeral?

Funny question to ask. It’s when people like a religious group from Topeka, Kansas (I know who they are, and I’m not going to add to their fodder with their name being searchable on Google to this site) can protest military funerals as a way of speaking out against abortion. I’m sorry, but the (Name …

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Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED? (Continued)

My RSS feed blinked across yet another bill being floated around Austin: House Bill 1052: Relating to requiring warning signs before intersections at which a municipality uses a photographic traffic monitoring system to enforce compliance with a traffic-control signal. Add this bill to the six others that I mentioned in an earlier post. This one …

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Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED?

I subscribe to an RSS feed from the Texas Legislature that gives a one-line title to each bill introduced in the current Legislative session. Tonight, as I was scrolling through the day’s activity, a couple of titles caught my eye: Senate Bill 369: Relating to an offense involving a motor vehicle with an altered or …

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