Category: Texas

Discussions of topics of statewide interest

So Long 2011 – Welcome 2012


As we pop the cork to celebrate the new year, it’s time to reflect back on the past year, and the year to come. 2011 started off with the Republicans taking control of the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, with Campaigner-in-Chief Obama’s political grandstanding, along with the Democrat controlled Senate, gridlock was the order of business …

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TSA smackdown of the Texas State Senate

Transportation Security Officers

As the state legislative session began winding down last week, I started following certain bills of interest, including HB 1937, which, as I discussed before, would prohibit the TSA from touching “private parts” during screening. Much to my surprise, the bill, which passed  unanimously out of the House, was withdrawn before being brought to the vote Tuesday.  With …

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Red Light Cameras: The emotional and money trap

Red Light Camera Violations 2009-2011

As long time readers of my blog know, I am not a fan of Red Light Cameras or Speed Cameras.  That’s why I applauded the citizens of Houston when they passed a referendum last November, that effectively banned their use. Much as I predicted, the city’s vendor, ATS,  filed a lawsuit challenging the referendum and the legalities of …

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Texas to reign in the TSA???

Susie Castillo's TSA Complaint (Click to Enlarge)

Earlier this week, 2003 Miss USA winner Susie Castillo reported an incident involving TSA agents at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.  She was “randomly” selected by screeners to go through one of the new body scanners, to which she promptly declined for alternate screening methods. Anyway, after “opting out,” I proceeded to follow a very nice older …

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Do you want to go faster? Legislature says “YES”

Speed Limit Sign

The Texas Legislature passed two bills over to the State Senate this week, relating to speed limits in the state. While I haven’t been closely watching the legislative session this year, its interesting to see what they’re working on. The first of these bills got national attention, and is somewhat misunderstood is actually part of …

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2010 Election: Red Light Cameras to go Dark?

A personal hot-button issue that I have championed against may finally be getting the plug pulled. Red Light Cameras came to Houston under former Mayor Bill White.  They have been controversial since their installation, including comments on this blog back in 2007. Today, the voters in the city decided by 52.8% to shut the cameras down. …

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Today’s Election Day: Get out there and VOTE!

With the ratification of the US Constitution in 1787, the framers set a course of a then unheard of form of Government, a Republic. Under that Republic, it is up to the people to select Representitives (and later by the 17th Amendment, Senators) to represent our interests on a National level. Today represents the one …

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“Queen Sheila” On The Campaign

Sheila Jackson Lee is once again making the wrong kind of headlines. Late yesterday, it was reported over at Big Government that she was electioneering within the 100 foot boundries of a polling place: Of course, The liberal media at the local news stations or the Comical will not go near damaging the credibility of their …

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Countdown to the Election

Today marked the beginning of early voting here in Texas.  I took advantage this year, particularly in light of the warehouse fire that destroyed most of the voting equipment here in Harris County. My location of choice was the Metropolitan Multi-Service Center on West Gray: Being this was the first day, and it was after …

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59 Days to Election Day: An Electoral Katrina Coming?

I admit, I’ve not been a big follower of politics until recently.  Since the 2008 election, my interests in what has been guiding our country the wrong way has only intensified. Admittedly, a employer mandated 5% pay cut in the spring of 2009 didn’t help my spirits any, nor watching close co-workers get sidelined to meet …

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