Category: Texas

Discussions of topics of statewide interest

Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED? (Continued)

My RSS feed blinked across yet another bill being floated around Austin: House Bill 1052: Relating to requiring warning signs before intersections at which a municipality uses a photographic traffic monitoring system to enforce compliance with a traffic-control signal. Add this bill to the six others that I mentioned in an earlier post. This one …

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HPD Not As Shocking With Taser Training

I was reading the story about Pearland Police Officers receiving their Taser training when a important note about Houston’s Taser Training came to light: Being shocked is not required in every department. Houston Police Department officers do not get shocked during Taser training, but deputies with the Harris County Sheriff’s Department have the option during …

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Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED?

I subscribe to an RSS feed from the Texas Legislature that gives a one-line title to each bill introduced in the current Legislative session. Tonight, as I was scrolling through the day’s activity, a couple of titles caught my eye: Senate Bill 369: Relating to an offense involving a motor vehicle with an altered or …

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Who’s Mike Jones?

Ok, so there’s a rapper out there that has the same name as me.  He seasons his rhymes with his name. I used to be joked at when talking about football in High School, since there was a NFL player with the name Mike Jones as well. I laughed with co-workers who see my identification …

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It’s All About… Peace and Quiet

EDITOR’S NOTE: Beginning with this piece, I plan on writing several topics using the catch-line “It’s All About…” Hopefully, many of these will be timely (I’ve had three or four on my mind, but working on a presentation for my real job has precluded me from writing them), and I can post one a week, my …

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Did KTRK Miss an "Extreme" Opportunity?

I just finished watching “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” redo the East Bernard home of the Kubena Family.  I have been a fan of the show since it’s inception three years ago, and seen many families lives touched by the program. Last year, the design team rolled into my birthplace, Kansas City, Missouri, and redid the …

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Solicitation in Public Right of Way

According to KHOU, The City of Houston has started to pursuit a change in city ordinances that prevents any minor under the age of 16 from being able to solicit on public right of way.  Councilmember Michael Berry also solicited input from my friends over at BlogHouston to find a way to look at the bigger problem; homeless …

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