Category: Transportation

All matters transportation, be it automobile, bus, train or air.

Police lives DO matter

It is troubling to have followed the reports last night of the “ambush” style attack on the Dallas, Texas Police Department and the Dallas Area Rapid Transit (“DART”) Police Department. First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers go out to the officers of both agencies and their families. This senseless actions of these few at …

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TSA: It’s not just bad screeners…

Inline Baggage Screener

As many will note, I often have something to say about the state of our Transportation Security. I also know that the Department of Homeland Insecurity has visited this site a few times over the last few months, so I do have the powers that be in Washington’s attention. It also goes to say that …

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TSA smackdown of the Texas State Senate

Transportation Security Officers

As the state legislative session began winding down last week, I started following certain bills of interest, including HB 1937, which, as I discussed before, would prohibit the TSA from touching “private parts” during screening. Much to my surprise, the bill, which passed  unanimously out of the House, was withdrawn before being brought to the vote Tuesday.  With …

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Video: Do the TSA Pokey Pokey

From our friends over at and Remy: I have to travel soon, and hope I don’t get the TSA Pokey Pokey…  

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Another week, another TSA stupidity

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, the TSA’s heavy-handed tactics prove that they show no end to their insanity. This time, it happened at an airport I travel to on a frequent basis, Kansas City International Airport (or as the locals call it, KCI – yet the airlines call it MCI – …

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Texas to reign in the TSA???

Susie Castillo's TSA Complaint (Click to Enlarge)

Earlier this week, 2003 Miss USA winner Susie Castillo reported an incident involving TSA agents at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.  She was “randomly” selected by screeners to go through one of the new body scanners, to which she promptly declined for alternate screening methods. Anyway, after “opting out,” I proceeded to follow a very nice older …

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Do you want to go faster? Legislature says “YES”

Speed Limit Sign

The Texas Legislature passed two bills over to the State Senate this week, relating to speed limits in the state. While I haven’t been closely watching the legislative session this year, its interesting to see what they’re working on. The first of these bills got national attention, and is somewhat misunderstood is actually part of …

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TSA Does it again!

Less than a week after I first opined (and the TSA and family weighed in) on the TSA’s use of enhanced pat-down on a 6-year-old girl, new video has surfaced from Portland, Oregon, showing a similar incident with an 8-year-old boy. Seattle’s KING-5 has the story (from YouTube, story not on KING-5 Website):

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TSA: How far is too far?

This just makes me sick. From The TSA Agent that did this, along with her supervisor, and anyone else in the security theatre known as Airport Screeners that was responsible for the decision to do this should be taken before a judge on the grounds of child molestation.

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Quick Video – TSA

I seem to get a lot of jokes, pictures and videos sent to me from friends, co-workers, and family. This one hit my inbox today, but looking it up on YouTube, it’s now nearing 2 Million hits. As we move into the well-traveled Christmas and New Years vacations next week, many more people will be flying, and …

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