Category: Transportation

All matters transportation, be it automobile, bus, train or air.

TSA: Time for the curtain to fall on “Security Theatre”

I travel quite a bit on business, and have been through more TSA checkpoints than I wish to count, including here in Houston at Bush Intercontinental Airport. I, like most of the traveling public has put up with the ever-expanding security as we travel, but it seems that the TSA has reached the proverbial tipping …

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An Excursion of a Lifetime… Coming to Houston?

Union Pacific Railroad is the only surviving major railroad that still regularly operates Steam locomotives.  While other steam engines are operated through muesums and historical societies, and depend on donations and volunteers to keep operating, Union Pacific has a full time crew to maintain and operate two complete steam excursion trains. Earlier this year, Union Pacific’s 844 …

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Why They Want us to See Red (Light Cameras)

Alexis Grant over at the Chronicle's new City Hall Blog (A nice blog by the way) reported last week that The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) released a new report last week on the improvement of intersection safety with the installation of red light cameras. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety is an organization …

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Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED? (Continued)

As we come to mid-month, more news from Austin on all of the action to stop or slow the spread of the disease known as red light cameras. Two more bills have been filed, House Bill 1570, and Senate Bill 195. House Bill 1570 is identical to the previously discussed Senate Bill 125, requiring that …

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Jamming Houston Police

This week, a man was arrested on the charge of interfering with police communications here in Houston. As someone who spent seven years around the newspaper business, I spent time in the newsrooms of a couple of newspapers in Kansas. The one thing that was always present in those newsrooms was a police scanner, usually …

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Could The Wrecker Races Soon Be Over?

We’ve all seen them, along a freeway or on a street. Four or five tow trucks lined up to try and get a piece of the business at a scene of an accident. We’ve seen the drivers of those trucks snake their way down the emergency lane past the backed up traffic just to get …

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Would Houston Slow Down for Cameras?

Phoenix suburb Scottsdale, Arizona recently conducted a 9 month test of a "Photo Radar" system on loop 101 (Phoenix's version of 610).  The city has now passed a resolution to turn the cameras back on full time, considering the system a success. In the ZDNet and Arizona Republic stories, it says that the cameras activate when …

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Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED? (Continued)

My RSS feed blinked across yet another bill being floated around Austin: House Bill 1052: Relating to requiring warning signs before intersections at which a municipality uses a photographic traffic monitoring system to enforce compliance with a traffic-control signal. Add this bill to the six others that I mentioned in an earlier post. This one …

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Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED?

I subscribe to an RSS feed from the Texas Legislature that gives a one-line title to each bill introduced in the current Legislative session. Tonight, as I was scrolling through the day’s activity, a couple of titles caught my eye: Senate Bill 369: Relating to an offense involving a motor vehicle with an altered or …

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The 2006 Energy Crisis – Short Term fixes

Editor’s note – this is the first of a multi-part series on the current energy crisis.  In coming weeks, I will take a look at the longer terms and what should be done. The American Economy is in crisis. Gasoline prices have increased by $0.42 nationally in the past month (March 23, 2006 – April 23, …

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