Happy 2013!

As the year ends, my long overdue, and planned re-do of this site is now complete. What started out as a 4 month project, stretched into 11 months. Although there were changes made behind-the-scenes earlier in the year, I left the overall appearance the same. With tonight’s year-end activation of our new look, the transformation is complete.Party Horns

I hope over the coming year to start taking more time to write posts here, a promise I make every year, and seem to fail at (I actually did good this year all the way through August, but the stresses of work at my day job once again precluded me from doing more the remaining months).

So eat, drink, and be merry – but please don’t drink and drive – we want you visiting here again in 2013!

Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/happy-2013/

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