Happy Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day, a day we remember those who have lived before us.

Originally called “Decoration Day”, it began on May 30th, 1868 to honor the fallen Civil War soldiers, by decorating their grave sites with flowers and flags.
In 1971, it was officially declared a national holiday, and moved from May 30th, to the last Monday in May.
Michael Jones
Michael Jones is the founder of On The Spot Communications and On The Spot Blog.
A native of Ottawa, Kansas (approximately 60 miles South-West of Kansas City), he was born in the early 70's and lived most of his early life without traveling far from home.
He has since lived in Lenexa, Kansas (suburb of Kansas City), Houston, Texas, and now resides in Frisco, Texas (north of Dallas, Texas). He has had the experience of traveling to Tokyo, Japan and Tel Aviv, Israel, as well as numerous places around the USA.
A self-professed computer geek, when Michael's not working in his telecommunications job, he enjoys Model Railroading and Paintball.
Michael Jones is the founder of On The Spot Communications and On The Spot Blog.
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