So Long 2011 – Welcome 2012

As we pop the cork to celebrate the new year, it’s time to reflect back on the past year, and the year to come.

2011 started off with the Republicans taking control of the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, with Campaigner-in-Chief Obama’s political grandstanding, along with the Democrat controlled Senate, gridlock was the order of business in Washington.
The U.S.A. saw the credit rating agencies downgrade the credit rating for the first time in the country’s 235 year history, meanwhile the debt continues to spiral into the stratosphere.

The overly biased media continued to sing the praises of the administration, and even did the dirty work of muckraking his opponents that he could potentially face in the Fall of 2012.

The Tea-Party was continually discredited, while the Occupy Wall Street crowd were applauded, despite their continual lawlessness and hostile actions.

Houston turned off the red light cameras, turned them back on, turned them off again, all while raising storm water fees higher than the voters anticipated.  Despite the mis-steps, Houstonians then re-elected Annise Parker to the Mayor’s Office.

Congresswoman “Queen” Sheila Jackson Lee continued her childish ways, with her mouth getting her into more trouble.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX18)

As we move forward into 2012, expect the Presidential campaign to swing into overdrive, with the Iowa caucuses on January 3rd, and the runup to the November election.

Several Politicians will resign and not run for reelection, instead of facing growing political scandals.

The “Occupy Wall Street” groups will morph into the “Obama 2012” campaign, joined by the remnants of ACORN and other scrupulous organizations.

The people will continue to cry out for change, but the Vacationer-in-Chief will continue to deliver (teleprompter fed) lip service.

And finally, on a personal note, it marked the end of over 7 years in the City of Houston as a resident of Archstone Memorial Heights, with a move to the Dallas suburb of Frisco.

City of Houston Logo overlayed by City of Frisco Logo

As I completed this move in November, I have thought long and hard what my focus for this blog will be.  While I have not set the new direction yet, I suspect the 2012 Elections will give me plenty of room for thought for at least the next year.


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