Tag: photographic

Houston’s Red Light Cameras run out of film, meanwhile…

I received word this afternoon that Houston’s City Council passed a settlement agreement with American Traffic Solutions to end the red light camera program. The city has been mired in a court battle for more than a year about a charter amendment passed in November 2010 mandating the city end the program. The battle was over …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/houstons-red-light-cameras-run-out-of-film-meanwhile/

Red Light Cameras: Ok, we’re shutting them off again…

Update 2: (August 19th, 11pm): As expected, Council Member Lovell blocked the repeal bill from being voted on.  Since the procedural delay is a one-time option, both items will face a vote on Wednesday. Update (August 17th, 7pm): Council Member Sue Lovell used a procedural maneuver to delay the vote on shutting the cameras off.  It is expected she …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/red-light-cameras-ok-were-shutting-them-off-again/

Mayor Parker to voters: cameras back on, despite vote

Metro Bus runs a red light

Much as I predicted previously, the mayor has decided to ignore the voters and allow American Traffic Solutions (ATS) to turn the red light cameras back on. This comes despite the fact that the voters clearly said in November 2010 that they wanted the cameras turned off.  Of course, ATS took days to do so, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/mayor-parker-to-voters-cameras-back-on-despite-vote/

Houston’s Red Light Cameras to start clicking again?

Warning Sign for a Red Light Camera

As one of the frequent topics I discuss on this blog, I am not a fan of red light cameras. Continuing from the story I posted last month, American Traffic Solutions or ATS, filed a federal lawsuit over the charter amendment in the 2010 election that the voters told the city to shut the cameras off. The …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/houstons-red-light-cameras-to-start-clicking-again/

Why They Want us to See Red (Light Cameras)

Alexis Grant over at the Chronicle's new City Hall Blog (A nice blog by the way) reported last week that The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) released a new report last week on the improvement of intersection safety with the installation of red light cameras. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety is an organization …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/why-they-want-us-to-see-red-light-cameras/

Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED? (Continued)

My RSS feed blinked across yet another bill being floated around Austin: House Bill 1052: Relating to requiring warning signs before intersections at which a municipality uses a photographic traffic monitoring system to enforce compliance with a traffic-control signal. Add this bill to the six others that I mentioned in an earlier post. This one …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/texas-legislature-to-make-cameras-see-red-continued/

Texas Legislature to Make Cameras see RED?

I subscribe to an RSS feed from the Texas Legislature that gives a one-line title to each bill introduced in the current Legislative session. Tonight, as I was scrolling through the day’s activity, a couple of titles caught my eye: Senate Bill 369: Relating to an offense involving a motor vehicle with an altered or …

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Permanent link to this article: https://onthespotblog.com/texas-legislature-to-make-cameras-see-red/

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